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Choosing your paint Scheme

 So i was about to make my hardest decision. "Paint scheme" . 

In this thread, i want to brain storm on color ideas and help you and myself on choosing the right colors. Lets start with this cute picture below. Any lizard will look nice with vibrant colors for sure.

I am planning to paint all my chameleons in different colors. Is it too much ? What do you think ?

Playing the lizards give a big chance on choosing colors. You can paint your minis in any color. There is no restriction for you at all. However just keep in your mind some delicate points.

I am planning to paint tegus in orange/black for instance. That conuld create a nice look on the table, if you remember about my jungle bases in vibrant green colors. But i need to think about my carnasaur too. After imagining my orange tegu on carnasaur, i got little bit worried actually. jungle is green , carnasaur has to be in contrast with that and carnasaur has to be in contrast with the rider.

People maybe painting tegus more in blue, because of that.

I checked through the internet found several options. Here are some carnasaur variants.

Very nice looking indeed. Ground is greens and browns with some grey stones. Red carnasaur is great looking on that. However attention is on tegu veteran who is mainly in blue scheme with some purple. Not bad. lets continue.

Now we have almost the opposite one. Blue carnasaur is ok nice but not that much nasty like red carnasaur. Anyways now attention is on carnasaur. Red tegu is not bad too and they are in contrast. Ground is grey. Well it is not bad. Just think about one thing ? Do i want my attention to be on carnasaur or on tegu ?

An interesting idea. All in green. They share the attention together. Green carnasaur is looking really fantastic looking and look at this nasty face. Let me give you a closeup photo for that.

Painter made a fantastic job here. look at the eyes. Bronze harness around his neck is gorgeous too. This could be a nice idea. Instead of making the base completely vibrant green. I could do this. My carnasaur in green and tegu in orange-black.

Anyways i am sure to make my tegu guards in orange-black now. I will have some options later for carnasaur and raptors in green. maybe a contrast red. Will check my options for later.

On the other hand, there is one more delicate thing that we need to consider. Frog mage comes with the tegu guards and they need to look good together. Maybe we dont have leaders and generals but he is the most important character of the army.

Cause of it, i want him to look as much as different as possible.

So my idea is making my frog mage something like this.

Those orange-black colors on the belly will define his place in tegu guards, while other colors will present other unit colors.

Same thing on caimans and skinks too. They will share the unit together. I am planning to paint skinks more vibrant and caimans more dark and threatening.

I need to paint at least 100 skinks-chamaleons. That is too much for me and i must find a way to enjoy this part. I need to find a color or way. Best idea is spraying them in black. After greys and white , getting them ready for a vibrast contrast paint.

About the color, i am not sure still.

I have along way to paint things. Instead of worrying more, i will enjoy painting them today. My painting journay will start with tegu guards and the frog mage. So lets start that unit first. 

I have many things to do in the weekend. So much homeworks . Goodbye for now and see you next week.


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